Radian Timely Topics: Exploring Agency Desktop Appraisal Options

Residential appraisals continue to evolve. For years, the mortgage and real estate industries relied solely on the traditional appraisal report. Times and technology have changed, creating a quicker, more cost-effective approach to the residential appraisal. Effective March 2022, the GSEs began to offer the desktop appraisal option on eligible transactions. Are you ready these reviews?

This five-minute video will:

• Define desktop appraisal
• Review benefits of these new options
• Highlight Fannie Mae® & Freddie Mac® eligibility requirements
• Discuss several frequently asked questions and provide resources

Radian's Valuations Essentials On-Demand Video Series: https://www.radian.com/news-and-knowledge/training/foundations-on-demand/Valuations-Essentials

Fannie Mae Release Notes: https://singlefamily.fanniemae.com/media/30336/display
Fannie Mae Fact Sheet and FAQs: https://singlefamily.fanniemae.com/media/30361/display
Freddie Mac Bulletin 2022-2: https://guide.freddiemac.com/app/guide/bulletin/2022-2