Radian Timely Topics: Seller Impersonation Fraud

Seller Impersonation fraud is a growing concern in the real estate and mortgage industries, adding to the numerous challenges faced by industry professionals this year: fluctuating interest rates, housing prices remaining high and inventory remaining historically low.

In this Radian Timely Topics video, we will discuss:
- What is Seller Impersonation Fraud?
- How Seller Impersonation Fraud Happens
- Red Flags
- Ways to prevent Seller Impersonation Fraud

For more fraud learning, check out Radian's Foundations On-Demand Fraud video series: https://www.radian.com/news-and-knowledge/training/foundations-on-demand/fraud

US Secret Service Cybercrime Investigations: Real Estate Scams - Vacant Properties - https://marketing.certifid.com/hubfs/Real%20Estate%20Scams%20-%20Vacant%20Properties.pdf?hsCtaTracking=7bae42e4-1fe7-4d0e-814d-2d84127c35b3%7C676da0bd-1256-412e-bd78-267c9f961ccb
ALTA Seller Impersonation Fraud in Real Estate Article - https://www.alta.org/file.cfm?name=ALTA-Seller-Impersonation-Handout
Millennial Title: Seller Impersonation Scams: 5 Red Flags to Look for - https://millennialtitle.com/seller-impersonation-scams-5-red-flags-to-look-for/